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Solid Roots Produce Essential Leaves

Associated Churches has 75 years rooted in our community with new leaves growing toward the future. They plan to honor their momentous 75th anniversary with a fundraising celebration Saturday, October 26th, 2019 at the Allen County War Memorial Coliseum. The resounding message for the celebration is “Our roots are grounded, though our leaves may change”, alluding to the symbolic nature of a tree’s growth and stability.

To expand upon that message, a little history is needed. Associated Churches began planting their seeds in 1944 with 23 churches in the Fort Wayne area. Representatives from diverse churches like First Christian, Trinity English Lutheran, and Union Baptist cultivated new ministries that educated and cared for churches, schools, and the impoverished in our city and county.

As the community developed over the years and more churches joined Associated Churches, new needs were identified. Associated Churches grew and sprouted comprehensive ministries serving those needs in our local neighborhoods.

The future holds a new and blossoming ministry that adds a leaf to the Associated Churches’ symbolic 75th anniversary tree. Abel’s Offering is a new ministry to Associated Churches that is dedicated to improving food security in Northeast Indiana through community gardening. The goal is to promote involvement in local community gardens, encourage the donation of fresh, locally-grown produce to hunger relief efforts, and aid in the establishment and sustainability of new community gardens. It will also partner with Associated Churches’ Neighborhood Food Network to provide healthier options to hungry clients.

Indiana is trailing in this world-wide movement. Associated Churches wants to introduce a ministry that creates a space for gardening, teaching, holistic care, mindfulness, and God. There are many benefits to community gardening and Abel’s Offering would like to make that space for churches and community.

It is an exciting time to be a part of this promising organization that is dedicated to serving our neighbors. Join me in October, as Associated Churches celebrates their roots in the community and aid them in their efforts to raise funds for the next 75 years.


Visit the Abel's Offering web page for more information or a map of community gardens. Click Here

Contact Jared Foote if you are interested in starting a community garden.

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