Baby Shower for Jesus
Time - Christmas Season
|Location - Your Church, Business, or Club
Babies are in Need of Essential Safety Items
Time & Location
Time - Christmas Season
Location - Your Church, Business, or Club
About The Event
As we remember Jesus who came to us as a baby during the CHRISTmas Season, we ask that you prayerfully consider giving to our community's babies in need. There are children without diapers, clothes, or even a warm bed. Gather your friends to throw a Baby Shower for Jesus this Christmas season, the season of giving. The shower can be at your home, work, church, or club's meeting location of choice.
Much needed items: All NEW - Size 4,5,6 diapers, wipes, shampoo, lotion, car seats, clothes, baby gates, bassinets, and cribs. For questions contact Elaine Williamson or Vicki Stephenson from A Baby's Closet, a ministry of Associated Churches.