SDI La Farga Competes to Collect 54,743 lbs of Food to Feed the Community
The 5th Annual Food Drive Competition by SDI La Farga, LLC.
collected 54,743 pounds of food and will feed 96,395 meals to families in Allen County through the Associated Churches' Neighborhood Food Network.
It's their 5th year competing in a food drive that benefits Associated Churches and SDI La Farga in New Haven, Indiana is smashing it! This year, they collectively brought in 54,743 pounds of food to benefit the Associated Churches' Neighborhood Food Network that serves Allen County.

Jerry Evans, SDI La Farga Operations Manager, explained to Roger Reece, Associated Churches' Executive Pastor, how they managed to donate such a large amount of food in a fun and strategic style. Evans created a competition for his employees. He divided them into teams and created weight goals, bonus weight days, and a surprise grand prize. Evans personally cooks a steak for teams that collected 100+ lbs per person and the overall winning team receives a SDI jacket and duffel bag with "2020 Big Give Winner" embroidered on it.
"SDI La Farga's partnership with Associated Churches is such a blessing! They are a meaningful corporation that is caring for the community," says Reece.

Associated Churches is grateful to each SDI La Farga employee for taking the time to participate in this competition, for clearing out food shelves at stores with their own hard-earned money to feed local struggling families. An estimated $88,683.66 was spent by employees for food, which provides 96,395 meals. In addition, SDI employees gifted $1,504 towards hunger relief efforts in Allen County. More gratitude is extended to Reilley Trucking Inc. for donating two semi trucks that will deliver the food to the Associated Churches' Food Bank.